Drills and Stretches

Want to improve your golf game with a more consistent, rotational golf swing? Learn more how to turn with your body rather than lifting with your hands and arms with these drills and stretches.

Viktor Hovland Golf Swing Pump Drill for Distance

Pitching Drill for Compression at Impact

Drill to Keep the Left Arm Straight Through Rotation

Stretch for Downswing and Follow Through Sequence

Hideki Matsuyama One Armed Chipping Drill for 2021 Tokyo Olympics

Stretch for Full and Complete Backswing with Proper Arm Flow

Dustin Johnson Holding Right Elbow Putting Drill

Drill for Full Shoulder Turn Golf Swing

Drill to Keep Hands From Flipping While Chipping

Enjoy Golf

At Every Level

Ready to be proud of your game and golf swing?