Physical Fitness

Glute Exercises to Improve Stability in the Golf Swing

Hey! This is Patrick Kelley for I’m here with my good friend, William Wagner, personal trainer to myself, and to you. So what do you got for us today, William?

Well, Patrick, today we are talking golf core. When it comes to core in the fitness industry, always people say, “Well, my midsection.” Well, that’s great. But when it comes to golf, golf core, let me show you where that is. That’s right, Patrick, right here. The biggest muscles in the body, quads, glutes, hamstrings. This is where the power is generated.

We’re going to work actually the gluteus medius today, not the maximus. Not the big ones but the small ones, on the side. What’s gluteus medius? I’m glad you asked. Patrick, demonstrate please. Okay?

When it comes to gluteus medius, all right? There’s actually three muscles that make up the glutes. We have gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. Maximus, FYI, is always down for going forward. Yes, sir. And squatting down, Patrick. Okay? Gluteus maximus doing most of the work. Come on back up, all right?

But when it comes to the golf swing, we want stability and strength in holding that position in the back swing and the follow through. We’re talking now gluteus medius and minimus on the sides. Medius and minimus, involving going side to side so that will move it. Patrick, go that way. Yeah. Now, come on back. Gluteus medius and minimus.

I’m going to hit this with three exercises today. One, starting off with the hip abduction. Come on down. Patrick, climb aboard. So here we have a total leg machine, which we’re going to use for what’s called a hip abduction.

Abduction, by the way, is the thing that you do the leg from the midline of the body and push it out to the side against resistance. So we just want to use this machine for resistance. Leg goes in there.

Patrick, I need you to keep that leg straight. I need you to push that leg out to the side as far as you can go. Come back to the center line. Right there, sir. Okay? So I need you to knock out a set of 10 reps here.

That’s perfect, because to work this, Patrick is working it right there, the gluteus minimus and medius. Sorry. Okay? We’re right here on the sides. Patrick, where are you feeling that?

Well, I’m feeling it right where you’re talking about.

Point sir, point.

Right there.

Can you do three more please. Yes. Awesome. Patrick, you’re done. We’re not going that side yet, okay? Patrick, I need another exercise. Right next to work. Patrick, can you do a cross leg step-up, please, involving … Anyone can do a simple sideway step-up, right? We do this everyone day. Some we don’t, some we do. But we’re going to do actually a cross leg step-up, which is here, set my squat stride, step on up.

When you do this position here, it’s actually stretching, sorry, the medius and minimus from the sides here, okay? And forcing them to work harder as we step up. Boom, boom. Patrick, knock it out, sir.

Semi-squat position. Start low. Go on up. Looks simple. Pre-exhaust over here, makes this more challenging. Patrick, can I get three more? And don’t hit your head on the ceiling please. One more.

All right. Now, Patrick, we’re not done with that side. We got one more thing to do, guys. Come on over. More hip abduction. Patrick, can you slide this dumbbell. What we’re going to do is small slide, maybe 18 inches or so. Recover. Slide, recover. You’re holding this athletic position. No skateboarding or ballet.

Stop Swaying on Backswing with Glute Exercises

All right, let’s get athletic, sir. You got it.

How far?

To the end of the room or until you hit the camera man.

I can feel it in the my …

Patrick, how about do a 180, bring it back, sir.

Same side?

Same side. Patrick, where are you feeling these? Yeah.

So this is good.

Great thing is, both sides are actually working, so while the left side in this case is pushing the dumbbell, the right side is stabilizing the rest of the body.

I’m feel it.

Double whammy. Good. All right. Patrick, one big step … We hadn’t get that left leg yet, have we?


Set number two. Come on. Let’s do it. All right, so is going to look familiar. We’re showing the opposite side now. Patrick, I need to set of 10, A-B-duction, sir.

So will you find that one side’s weaker or stronger than the other?

Oftentimes the case. And that’s when people come in to get strong, we find that there’s the muscle imbalance that’s develop somewhere in their lifetimes, okay and because we tend to be one sided, we have a stronger side, so we ended up using one side more than the other in our everyday activities. And we tend to then create an imbalance in the body, okay? Which can lead to health problems down the road, i.e. back issues. So here, and out there too guys, want to work on being balanced, both sides were strong, both sides being flexible, okay? So that’s why we’re going to work both sides the same way.

So in golf-


… typically the left side’s imbalanced. So we’re posting up on that left side. Lot more release into that muscle. A lot more energy going through that left side. Whereas in the right side, you’re just holding. So imbalance in the left side, is there anything … just keep hitting? Or should you be more specific on your left side?

Okay, and that’s a great question. What I recommend, however, is that if someone comes in with in imbalance, and whether it’s coming from a sports specific movement like golf … hey, guys, hit both sounds evenly, okay? Never choose a weight heavier on this side then this on the other side. Always do the same weight, work each side together. Because what will happen, that weaker side will come up to match the stronger side. And we want to be balanced, okay? Never have one side stronger than the other. So always do the same weight, same number reps for both sides. But that’s a good question.

Great, Patrick, you’re done. Man, the dumbbell needs to movement, sir.

So am I going to change legs?

All right, athletics man. Athletic. Yes. All right, one more Patrick. And on down. Patrick, can you point where you feeling these, sir? People want to know. Right there, you got it. And go three, go two, and one. All right. Awesome, sir. Good job. Good job.

Look, that is one way you can work … have strong gluteus medius and minimus. We should of touched on it earlier, but why do I want these strong, okay? Patrick, when you do that golf swing, all right, and if your glutes … and go to use your back swing now. Okay. Now if the medius and minimus, if they’re not strong, okay. How much sway are we going to get here because you can’t hold that position?

I find people go to their heel, they squat too.


Because they can’t hold it, right?

So they know not to sway. So what they … cheat.



All right. So, but you know that if you can maintain the hip position, just rotate through the hips, and you get no lateral sway, that you’re able to then a tighter back swing and more efficient follow through, more down swing.

Excellent. There you guys go.

Stay tuned-

At Home Exercises to Improve Stability for the Golf Swing

Hey, well, great workout. I appreciate it. So as you know, I’m on the road, my players are on the road, how can we do this on the road or at home? It’s great being in the gym with you, but when I don’t have you, what can I do?

That’s a great question. There’s actually many ways to do this exact same workout. Let me show you a few that you can do at home right now. So, let’s go to the first exercise, the hip abduction. Okay, so without any equipment necessary whatsoever, we’re going to use your leg weight.

Leg weight?

Yes, because that’s also resistance by the way. So to do the hip abduction without weight or resistance, how about use your leg. Little Semi-squat, it makes it more of a challenge in the right leg. Let’s do the hip abduction movement. And what I’m doing though, is I’m going to limit this range of motion and go as high as we can and only come back a little fraction of the way and kind of pulse these out. Can also, if you want to, sort of play with this angle, if you want to straighten from the sides. If I say, hey, Wayne I feel this more If I go like out and back some, you may feel it more than that way. Experiment with that. See what works best for you. Need more resistance? Let’s take it to the floor, same movement. Now my, my leg weighs more. I’m going to see an abduction.

Like so. And when we get really fancy, we use an ankle, weight, makes the leg weigh even more. And same thing. Pulses out, pulses out.

So in this position the leg weighs more right now because it’s up.

Gravity and the length of this leg. Absolutely. Okay. So I’m going to weigh more this way. Little more challenge than an upright. Okay. So, that’s one alternative to the hip abduction machine. Step ups. Yeah. You probably don’t have this step up machine in the house, but you probably have, hopefully, some form of step. Now, I’m going to use this aerobic step, which some people have at the house, but if not, this, and how about just your steps at somewhere in the garage or going upstairs to the… To the first floor. So let’s use that same step. Go for it, sir. Come on board. The same crossover step semi squat position start from. Yes, sir.

Two more, one more. Simple enough.



You can find those on stairs.

Use your own steps in the house, purchase some aerobic steps, perhaps. Okay.

What if you don’t have stairs?

If you don’t have stairs? Buy a new house.

Come on. All right. One more thing guys, that sliding the dumbbell. Yeah, you may not want to slid a dumbbell on your wooden floors at the house. I would understand that however, two alternatives would be the ankle straps and or the access excess tubing. Both of these could be found at any department store. I won’t say any right now, but the big ones let’s say, all right. So those, for instance, instead of use the dumbbell, we use the ankle straps. There about, these come in various sizes and resistances here, if you will. Patrick, put one leg in there, other leg in there, sir. All right, so let’s do that same motion as before taking that wide stride, but only recover a couple inches, okay. Don’t come all the way back together. Alright? That way you keep constant tension.

Oh, the constant tension on the band.

Yeah, the constant tension indeed.

Makes it a little bit difficult there.

That it does. I’m okay with that though.

Glad you’re okay. I’m the one that’s doing it.

Great, come on back, man.

And go three, go two, go one. Awesome. All right, Patrick. Get out of here, because now I’m going to show you another way that you can use this tubing here. Okay. So I’m going to step, step. I can cross over here. And I have that same level of resistance that Patrick just did.

All right.

Notice I’m not coming all the way together. That takes off the tension on my gluteus medius and minimus. And then how high I hold these. Also, increases the tension. Love it.

So, if you raise them higher. You’re saying-

Yes. Okay.

The tension gets harder.

More tension, sir. Want to get fancy? Throw in a side raise. We’ll talk about that later.

like a Pterodactyl.

The Pterodactyl. Love it. So, there we have at least three to four alternatives that you could do at home. And I hope that’s very helpful for you guys. Check back with us. We have more coming.

What Does “Activating the Glutes” in the Golf Swing Mean?

So we just got done with our workout. It was a great workout, thank you, William. And so William, brings me back to a couple of years ago, when old Tiger said, “He was having a hard time firing his glutes.” And you at home are probably wondering, what does that mean? And I’m asking you William, what does that mean?

That’s great question. All right. Tiger and glute issue. Heard that a ton. So we talked about earlier about the gluteus medius and minimus, and the importance of that to your golf swing. Here’s what we have seen, just over time, that regardless of what age we are. Okay. Well, let’s take you back Patrick, to when you were a kid. All right.

Great times.

And yes. And you were maybe playing some sports, you played some basketball, you were climbing trees, and going over rocks and playing.

I was doing it all.

All. Good job. But we’re doing a lot of lateral movement? Yes?


From side to side. That’s the problem guys. As we get older, our activity levels, they drop off. Well some of us do, but maybe some of you at home, but we don’t move from side and sound anymore, like we used to. And we certainly don’t do so, under resistance. Okay.

So what happens is the glutes, they get weak. Okay. Couple that with tight hamstrings, because we spend all day sitting.

Are you saying this is bad?

I’m saying, a prolonged period, yeah, that’s that’s bad. All right.

I teach, so I don’t.

You’re… No problem. So the hamstrings get real tight, because they’re constantly in the short position. And so they going to pull on the pelvis, because of where they attach.

They’re pulling through here?

They’re going to pull that. Yeah. They’re going to pull right through there. But the glutes are weakened and stretched over time because we don’t use them, then the pelvis has to change. It could be tilted. It could be rolled forward. It could be rotated from side to side, and you wouldn’t even know it.


So when it comes to activating one’s glutes, which is super important for the golf swing, and the setup, correct?

Yes. This is what I stabilize with.

This is what you stabilize with.


But if there’s no glute strength because we haven’t challenged those muscles… Look, it’s an old adage, yes. But it’s true. Use it or lose it. All right. But if we don’t use those muscles as we age, we lose them, and we lose the strength, and therefore lose the ability to stabilize through the hip joint.

I see that all day long.

Well there you go. Hey guys, just keep on doing what we’re doing in here. We’ll teach you more.

Exercises to Improve Your Golf Swing

Hey guys, this is Patrick Kelley for Patrick Kelley Golf, with my good friend William Wagner. William, what do you got for us today?

Great question, Patrick, because today we’re working on the obliques, okay? We’re working on upper body rotation, and as well as lower body rotation. So, these guys sitting right here. Let me explain real quick if I may.

Go for it.

So we have the abdominal wall, which is responsible for the curvature in your body in this way if you will. But we’re talking about the obliques, that sit about 30 degree angle to either side of your abdominal wall. This is responsible for rotation. So, this is what we’re going to hit today because why would I want to do that, Patrick?

Golf swing, golf swing, golf swing, rotation, rotation, rotation. You’re going to be using it, let’s develop it.

Three exercises. Going to do maybe in the gym version, and maybe a little bit of an at home version because it doesn’t require much equipment. So, first of all we have what’s called a windshield wiper. Come on down Patrick, we use a bench here. We use a bunch because us old guys, this is actually more comfortable than the hard floor, but we’ll get there.

You’re modern.

So Patrick, if you were to … So, imagine think about a windshield wiper in your car, and the wipers go back and forth, back and forth. Well, Patrick is actually going to be that wiper right here. So what we’re going to do, Patrick you’re going to grab over to one side, we’re going to form a 90-degree angle, okay? So, 90, start from there. Patrick’s starting kind of easy today, and we’ll work on getting harder. So, he’s also going to [fudge 00:01:35] [inaudible 00:01:35] bench. Fudge over to one side of the bench here, maintain this 90-degree angle, as you then rotate as far as you can without falling off the bench. Come on back up, okay? That way, sir.

All right, and I’m going to help you maintain this 90-degree angle, like so. Now, if this is too easy for you, we can make the legs heavier by one 90 degree angle, okay? All right, so this is going to be a little more challenging, actually a lot more challenging. Let’s do it again, oh yeah. Do not fall off the bench please. No laughing. Okay, a little laughing. All right, one more. All right, and cool. Okay.

Windshield wiper, now those we did all to one side, well we got to go both directions here. All right, so you will just do the same thing other direction, okay? We’ll start easy again. All right, Patrick go to your left sir. All right, rotate over. Good. All right, maintain 90-90, yes sir. Easy, right? Harder, [inaudible 00:02:47] you ready? Got it. Yes, sir, one more. Right on, good. We’re talking three sets of 10 per direction, you’re on your way. Next exercise sir.

Let’s do it.

Let’s do it. We will require … oh by the way if I may, if you don’t have a bench at home, we can do the same thing on the floor. Patrick, just show them the floor real quick. This is the same motion, I totally forgot about this. But since you don’t have a bench, floor works. Now, arms out to the side because that’s going to be [crosstalk 00:03:28] I’d go hands face-down. Okay, all right. So, same 90-degree angle, once again 90-90. Just rotate to your left, sir. Uh-huh (affirmative).

Now William, you’re trying to keep your spine planted while you’re doing this?

Yes, ideally. So, this shoulder wants to come up, because your body wants to rotate, the whole body wants to rotate. Try to keep the shoulder down as flat as possible. You can even grab underneath a couch or a chair on this side here. Yes sir, to help keep the shoulder down, okay? But that’s the simple home version.

And you can switch it up, right?

And of course you want to hit both sides just like we did on the bench. Once again, we’ll go three sets of 10 per direction. And you’re on your way. All right, come on up, please. Next exercise, now we are going to use some tubing that we have plenty of here in the facility. However, you can also do this at home, this stuff’s easy to find. Go over to any local department store, they’re going to have a tubing type of kit. Great home exercise piece of equipment, you can do a lot with it. It’s obviously very compact, obviously.

But what we’re going to do here is upper body rotation. So, Patrick if you would both hands grabbing that handle there, okay? So, Patrick has his triangle formed with his arms and his torso. His goal is to keep this triangle in the shape the entire time, also to keep your hands in front of your sternum the entire time as well, as he’s going to rotate to his right, okay? Now I’m going to anchor this tubing as he rotates to the right.

What should my head do?

Well two things here. If you work on your golf game, I would suggest keeping your head steady, just like you are. Because that way you’re working neck rotation as well, and neck flexibility, just as you would in the golf swing if you’re keeping your eye on the ball.

Now do you find, I’m using my grip from my [inaudible 00:05:38] with my elbows in, if you can just imagine if I had my elbows out, I’d be pulling, not really rotating, pulling.

If you’re not concerned about your golf swing, and this is for the layman if you will, if the elbows are out, you’re still going to work your mid-section. However, from this video, we’re talking a little bit more about the golf swing. So, one little trick is to keep the elbows in and stay connected, as Patrick always teaches. How about Patrick do this, upper-hand grip, grab the handle just like that. The under-hand grip, force the elbows in naturally, and now maintain this triangle as you rotate and I anchor the tubing. All right, rotate to the right, yes sir.

That’s good.

Bear in mind when you’re working out with a buddy this is a trust issue, I hold on, he holds on, no one lets go, okay? I just want to put that out there. All right, rotate sir, how about giving it five more.

I didn’t sign a waiver

Oh we’re good then, we signed a waiver we’re good. The same thing goes. And one more. Right on. Okay. Now, 15 per direction, that’s a good start. You should start to feel a burn in the mid-section.


Okay, once again these obliques. Let me explain something too about the rotation, okay? So Patrick, when you get in position again please.

Which one? Pronate?

Let’s go under-hand grip, let’s go golf wise, so that when you rotate to your right, a little bit of a misconception here. When you rotate to the right, it’s actually your right obliques that are being stretched. So you want to call this coil, and so when you go to uncoil, the right obliques are going to fire and shorten. There’s nothing on the left-hand side that’s being stretched, there’s nothing on this side that’s going to pull you around. It’s these guys that are working on the right-handed golf swing. These are stretched, then then contract. Stretched, and contract for the golf swing.

So what you’re saying is basically if you’re working the right side, you’re working really for down swing motion?


So, if I flip this this way, I’m working across my body to the left, I’m working actually back swing?

Yes, that’s the right way to put that. So right now-

The game of opposites boys.

Yes, it is.

So, I’m currently working on my back swing, even though I’m loading into my left side.

For the right-handed golfer, you are correct. That’s a great way to look at that.

Anything you would improve?

Wouldn’t change a thing. However, what I want to explain so if working out with a buddy, and getting to hold one end of this tubing. How to do this at home? Well, two suggestions. You can use this tubing to anchor on a doorknob. Make sure the door is closed and locked mind you. But also, a lot of these tubing kits like this they come actually with a door anchor. And the instructions will tell you exactly how to use this, but it’s a great way to anchor this tubing to a door as you close it, lock it, and then that’s the person holding the tubing instead of me holding it while Patrick does these. So, home use, gym use, we’re good to go. Next exercise.

Let’s do it.

Rock and roll. All right.

Hey, great shirt by the way.

I’m kind of digging this shirt, actually. I like green on me, it’s kind of Hulkish.

True, true.

Hulk smash, all right. So, I’m going to use-

Let’s finish this workout.

We’re going to do in the gym we’re going to use an exercise ball. Here of course, we have plenty. I would recommend if you don’t have one of these guys at home, what a great piece of workout equipment. You could buy these once again, any department store, any sporting goods store. They’re so easy, and it’ll cost you probably about 20 bucks or so. So, definitely get one of these at home, this is your home gym, this and that tubing, you are ready to go. So, let’s use this ball. Patrick if you would perform a flat bridge. Okay, so flat bridge, great. Head and neck, shoulders, comfortable on top of the ball. The reason this is a flat bridge is because the hips are as high as the knees. Patrick, what do you have to do to keep your hips up that high?

Stabilize your obliques.

Yes, and?

And my glutes.

And the glutes, if you refer the glute video. All right, but we got to keep the glutes engaged here. So now we get to work lower body golf core while working more golf core in the mid-section. Okay, so rotation. Now what we can do is because we have a gym here we’re going to use some dumbbells. Let me grab a dumbbell.

My wife’s got one at home.

It takes only one. So if you would Patrick, same thing, we’re going to go triangle. But now this is your resistance, okay? So, we’re going to rotate Patrick to your right, sir and back to the center.

Again, keep the spine stable, or move the head?

Same thing as in the up right with the tubing, working your golf game I would keep the head and spine steady as you rotate around your spine as you would in the golf swing. Don’t care about that, great you can turn your head, your obliques are still getting worked no matter what. So, three more. So this is sort of taking that tubing turn another step further because we’ve added instability with this ball here. And the rest of the body has to work while he rotates. Great, all right. Obviously have to go in both directions here. Especially golfers, make sure that you work both sides, both directions evenly. Golf is a one directional sport, let’s say for the right-hand golfer. So, the body can develop on the right side differently. We want both sides to be strong, we want to be balanced. So always make sure you work both sides evenly. So, do as many that way as you do that way. So same goal, 15 per side, three sets. Golden. And I will take that, great job Patrick.

So, just as a note harder and harder as you go to keep those hips up level with the knees, hips want to drop naturally.

Yes, as you fatigue, the hips will drop down. But you got to constantly remind yourself hey guys bridge up, bridge up. Keep the hips as high as the knees, okay? So this is just a reminder to keep those glutes engaged the entire time. They’ll also help your golf game. Three exercises, by the way this is home … hey you know what I didn’t mention this before, but if you don’t have a dumbbell, you can do the same thing with the tubing in terms of on the ball anchor the tubing at the bottom of the door with that door stop that’ll come with it, and use that as your resistance. So, hey guys you got three exercises to do in the gym or at home.

Awesome. Hulk smash.

Hulk smash.

How the Obliques Affect the Golf Swing

Hey guys, we’re on the oblique wrap up show right this moment. So we’re going to use a little visual aid that we call the anatomy chart of the muscular system, okay? Look at this guy, all right? This is actual size. He’s pretty ripped. Something to shoot for.

But we want to discuss … as we work obliques today, which once again, as I mentioned before, you have the front abdominal wall, obliques sit to the side of the abdominal wall at about a 30 degree angle. So when we talked about doing this rotation is that when you do the backswing, for a right hand golfer … But what’s being stretched here? Once again, it’s those right side obliques stretched out, and then they’re being contracted on the down swing. And we’ll … Actually let’s use a … A visual aid right here. Patrick. Come on over, Patrick. Grab that golf club. Perfect, perfect.

All right, so Patrick, if you would start to make your backswing motion. Okay, so now we see this right side obliques are being extended, extended, extended, stretched, stretched, stretched, stretched, stretched. We’re building the energy, like a rubber band. That’s the way the muscles work. So to top the backswing fully extended is these rubber bands here. Now the rate of fire, and the downswing, these begin to contract, right on through.

Left side now, this begins to now expand. Left side obliques come on through, come on through, full. Now the left side obliques, they are now expanded. They’re being stretched out. And then we’re going to start to contract again as you diesel right through your full golf swing. Bingo. Dude, almost as ripped as the anatomy chart. We’re working on it.

So Patrick, what are we seeing in the golf game, in the professional levels right now? What’s happening? Why is this important to guys right now?

Power hitters. Games are turning into a power hitting golf commercial. So we’ve got Cameron Champ, Bryson DeChambeau, he’s put on massive weight, but they’re all working the oblique muscles.


If you ever look at … Cameron Champ gets crazy good because of how far his obliques … and can get through them. Sends the ball.

Okay. Hunh. So do you want to be more like Cameron Champ and crush the ball? I do.

That’s a good goal.

Let’s keep working this guys. At home, obliques please. In the gym, obliques please.


Obliques. Don’t be obtuse. Oblique. Take care. Catch you next time.

At Home Oblique Workouts to Improve Your Golf Swing

Hey guys, just wrapping it up. Patrick Kelley, William Wagner. So we worked obliques today. We’re talking about obliques. And the reason why most people don’t really work obliques is because they’re not really in today’s modern society because we’re sitting at a chair or sitting at a desk, driving a car. Not a lot of need for the obliques right now in modern society. So, William you hit him, we hit them today, I hope people at home hit them, hit them hard, but give us a little bit… just a little wrap up of why the obliques are so important again?

Well, I tell you what? Two reasons, okay, that I see most often is that when the clients want to come in and get in better shape, they want to look better, feel better too, but we want to look good. So we do want to work the midsection. Okay. Once again mentioned before, the abdominal wall, but hey, these obliques here in the side, if we can make those stronger and tighten those up, guess what the midsection’s going to look like from the front? It’s going to get smaller. Okay. And who doesn’t want a smaller midsection? So-


… this guy. So a great way from aesthetically to work the obliques. Okay. But as relates to a golf swing or just life in general, health, low back issues, okay. Who hasn’t heard those or have those when it comes to the golf swing? Well, here’s a little known fact that is actually that the abdominal wall and the obliques that support the low back, not the low back muscles as people say, I worked my low back muscles. No, no, no, no. You got to have this to be strong. This is what supports the column. So yes, as you mentioned, sitting at the desk, these guys are weak, they’re not doing anything-

That’s smart.

… You know what? We could probably work them at the desk. How about this guys? All right, so, hey, I want to borrow him now. And there are some people that actually are using these exercise balls at home or at their business as a seat. So, if you want to go that route, once again mentioned before, local store, 20 bucks. You’re in business. So while working at the computer or at the desk and you’re sitting on your fitness ball, hey, guess what guys? I can do a little rotation here.


A little Hawaiian music would be good, it would help. All right. But I am going to rotate my hips as I’m working. Okay. I got to go both directions though. All right, so I’m going to switch it. All right. But what a great way to actually engage the core, actually abdominal and the obliques on the side as well.

Is that vintage or modern?

This is modern. Trust me on that. All right, so we’re good. So this is a great way to use the ball at your desk, but if you don’t have a ball, you probably have a chair or swivel chair. Do we have a swivel chair?

Do you have a swivel chair?

I have a swivel chair.



Bring that swivel chair over. Dang dude.

Ah, it’s actually more comfortable. So, a swivel chair at the desk. Okay. So guess what, I am working on my computer, I’m working at the desk here. You know what? Maybe every 10 minutes, I’m going to have my little beeper go off. It’s time to do some rotation. Do some rotation. So I’m going to hold onto the chair or either held onto the desk and I rotate my lower body. I’m working the obliques, the obliques, the obliques. If I knock out 30 seconds of that, every 10 minutes, my goodness.

See that looks fun, Can I try?

I need some smaller pants. You know what I’m saying? Okay.

Can I try it?

Yeah. Patrick, want to try?

I would.

Go try. Come on Pat.

That looked too much fun. So, you’re just like this?

Yeah. Hold on to the desk.

Like that?


Like that?

Yep. 30 seconds buddy.

30 seconds.

Well, give or take.

Dude. I could have just done this.

So look guys, you got an easy way now at the house or at work to work your obliques. Okay. No excuses. All right. Let’s work on that. Every 10 minutes set your buzzer, 30 seconds oblique work, rotating, or swiveling. You’ll want to wear the small golf pants.

Enjoy Golf

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